Berita singkat

Pemeritah dan Panitia Anggaran DPR akhirnya sepakat belanja subsidi BBM 2009 akan menggunakan asumsi harga minyak sebesar 130 dolar AS per barel. Sedangkan bantalannya disetujui hingga 160 dolar AS per barel. Pemilihan Pilkada Bali rencananya resmi di mulai sekitar pukul 07.00 Wit, Rabu (9/7/2008). Cagub/cawagub yang bersaing adalah pasangan yang diusung Koalisi Kebangkitan Bali Gede Winasa-IGB Alit Putra, kandidat dari Partai Golkar Cokorda Budi Suryawan-Nyoman Gede Suwetha, serta jago PDIP Made Mangku Pastika-AA Ngurah Puspayoga. Sekitar 2-an juta rakyat Bali tercatat mempunyai hak pilih dalam Pilkada ini. Sebelumnya ikrar perdamaian telah diucapkan masing-masing pasangan. Sementara itu Pilkada Maluku juga digelar. Para kandidat memperebutkan 936.519 pemilih tetap pada 2.628 TPS yang tersebar di 7 kabupaten dan 2 kota di Maluku. Tercatat Karel Albert Ralahalu berpasangan dengan Said Assagaff. Mohammad Latuconsina dan Eduard Frans, dan Abdullah Tuasikal berpasangan dengan Septinus Hematang, serta pasangan Aziz Samual dan Lukas Uwuratuw. ITALIA.Menteri dalam negeri Italia, Roberto Maroni mengatakan, dia tetap akan menutup sebuah masjid yang kontroversial di Milan bulan depan, seperti rencana, meski Gereja Katholik menuduh dia bertindak seperti seorang fasis. Dalam wawancaranya dengan sebuah koran, Maroni mengatakan dia menjawab berbagai keluhan bahwa jamaah sholat di masjid kecil itu seringkali sampai tumpah ruah ke jalanan. Sementara gereja Katholik sudah menyatakan dukungan terhadap umat Islam itu, Masjid Jenner dulunya adalah sebuah garasi. Begitu kecilnya sehingga sholat Jumat sering harus digelar di jalan. Sejak ditetapkan sebagai Pusat Kebudayaan Islam tahun 1988, masjid itu terus membesar dan penduduk setempat mulai khawatir.


Bagi anda yang berminat memasang opini dan liputan berita dapat mengirimkan teksnya/naskah ke alamat email kami di dan 085294952165 Hadis riwayat Mujasyi` bin Mas`ud As-Sulami ra., ia berkata: Aku datang menghadap Nabi saw. untuk membaiat beliau untuk berhijrah. Beliau bersabda: Sesungguhnya hijrah telah berlalu bagi orang-orang yang telah melaksanakannya, tetapi masih ada hijrah untuk tetap setia pada Islam, jihad serta kebajikan Rasulullah shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda: “Masa kenabian itu ada di tengah-tengah kamu sekalian, adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. Selanjutnya adalah masa Khilafah yang mengikuti jejak kenabian (Khilafah ‘ala minhajin nubuwwah), adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. Selanjutnya masa kerajaan yang menggigit (Mulkan Adlan), adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. Setelah itu, masa kerajaan yang menyombong (Mulkan Jabariyyah), adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. Selanjutnya adalah masa Khilafah yang mengikuti jejak kenabian (Khilafah ‘ala minhajin nubuwwah). Kemudian beliau (Nabi) diam.” (H.R. Ahmad dan Baihaqi dari Nu’man bin Basyir dari Hudzaifah.)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Why the dollar is so cheap?

Friday, 07 March 2008

The dollar is trading at all-time lows against the euro and gold for good reasons. The George W Bush administration has flooded the world with greenbacks, and global investors have little confidence in the management of the US economy.

During the Bush years, the US trade deficit has doubled. Thanks to dysfunctional energy policies and tolerance for Chinese mercantilism, the deficit has exceeded US$700 billion each of the past three years and is more than 5% of gross domestic product.

The Bush energy policy emphasizes incentives for domestic oil production and letting rising prices instigate conservation, but those have failed. Domestic crude oil production is falling, the price of gas has risen from $1.51 to $3.21, automakers have populated US roads with fuel-guzzling sports utility vehicles, and petroleum now accounts for about $380 billion of the trade deficit.

Cheap imports from China have chased millions of Americans from manufacturing jobs, as the US purchases from the Middle Kingdom exceed sales there by nearly five to one. The trade deficit with China is about $250 billion.

China has engineered this competitive triumph by keeping its yuan even cheaper than the dollar, euro and gold. Annually, it sells at deep discount about $460 billion worth of yuan for dollars, euros and other currencies in foreign exchange markets. That provides a 33% subsidy on Chinese exports and keeps Chinese goods cheap on the shelves at Wal-Mart.

The Bush administration has sought changes in China's currency policies through diplomacy and has failed. Paradoxically, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has managed to tar as protectionist any proposal for US government action to offset Chinese subsidies.

The remainder of the trade deficit is largely autos and parts from Japan and South Korea, which through various means have kept the yen and won cheap too.

The huge trade deficit must be financed either by attracting foreign investment in new productive assets in the United States or by printing IOUs. Investment has only provided about 10% of necessary cash, so each year the United States sells currency, bank deposits, Treasury securities, bonds and the like to foreigners. Those claims on the US economy now total about $6.5 trillion.

That floods world financial markets with US dollars and paper assets that function much like US dollars - what economists call liquidity. And, it evokes an iron law of the universe. If you print too much money, it won't have any value.

Until recently, most of that borrowed purchasing power was put into the hands of US consumers by large Wall Street banks. Essentially, through mortgage brokers and regional banks, those Wall Street banks loaned Americans money to buy homes and refinance their mortgages. In turn, the banks got the cash needed by bundling mortgages, as well as auto loans and credit card debt, into collateralized-debt-obligations - bonds backed by consumer promises to pay - for sale to fixed-income investors, hedge funds and others.

The bankers could get reasonably rich on this scheme, but they got greedy. Last summer, we learned that the banks were not creating legitimate bonds. Instead they sliced, diced and pureed loans into incomprehensibly arcane securities, and then sold, bought, resold and insured those contraptions to generate fat fees, big profits and generous bonuses for bank executives.

Now investors ranging from US insurance companies to Saudi royals are not much interested in buying bonds created by large US banks, and the banks can no longer make loans to many creditworthy consumers and businesses. Without credit, the US economy cannot grow and prosper.

The Federal Reserve has direct regulatory responsibility for the large US banks, and it is chairman Ben Bernanke's job to require them to fix their business practices and resurrect the market for bonds backed by bank loans.

Yet, Bernanke has offered no plan to address these problems, or even acknowledged the urgency of the situation. And, without a well-functioning banking system, the US economy heads into recession of uncertain depth and duration.

International investors, recognizing the US economy lacks competent helmsmen at the Treasury and the Federal Reserve, are fleeing the dollar for the best available substitute - the euro and gold.

When Bush was inaugurated in January 2001, the euro was trading at 94 cents and gold cost $266 an ounce. Now they are trading at $1.52 and $985 an ounce. That is a plain vote of no confidence in the Bush-Bernanke economic model.

Peter Morici is a professor at the University of Maryland School of Business and former chief economist at the US International Trade Commission.

Source : Asia Times


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